TKC LogoThy Kingdom Come 2023

The Vine Community Church is joining with Christians of all denominations to come together in prayer on the eleven days between Ascension and Pentecost (18th May - 22nd May)

Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray for more people to come to know Jesus. What started in 2016 as an invitation from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York to the Church of England has grown into an international and ecumenical call to prayer


Over the course of this years TKC, there are a number of prayer events happening organised by the churches within the villages. 


Thy Kingdom Come always focuses on praying for people to know the love of God in Jesus Christ for themselves.

However, this year, we are also encouraging people to consider taking a step further, to go the extra mile, to love and serve the needs of those you are praying for or others who are in need- ‘Living the Kingdom.’

We are praying for individuals, the locality and the Kingdom; to see change that only God can bring.

 Here are this years TKC events


Thursday 18th 7pm

St John the Baptist, Scampton

Ascension Service 

Friday 19th 7pm

The Vine, Cherry Willingham

Prayer at The Vine

Sunday 21st 6pm

Reepham St Peter & St Paul Church

Prayer and Worship

Tuesday 23rd 6pm

Reepham Methodist Church

Reepham Prayer Walk meeting at the Methodist Church at 6pm Richard Wills is leading

Thursday 25th 8am-8pm

Reepham St Peter & St Paul Church

12 hours of prayer 8am – 7pm Reepham Church open with Prayer Stations for people to drop in 7pm – 8pm an hour of prayer together.

There will also be 8am on-line prayer on the South Lawres and Barlings Churches Facebook page.

Friday 26th Daytime

Reepham St Peter & St Paul Church

Reepham School in Reepham Church all day doing Prayer activities followed by family time at 3.30pm

Friday 26th 7pm

The Vine, Cherry Willingham

Prayer Walk – Cherry Willingham.    Starting initially in  the Vine followed by prayer walking. The Vine will remain open for anyone who wishes to pray but can’t walk

 All TKC activities with the exception of the schools activities are open to anyone please come along.

 There are lots of resources that you can use individually or in small groups through out the TKC2023 period you can find these on the website click on resources at the top of the page.

You can also use the brand new TKC  App.  a brilliant discipleship tool to help you journey through the 11 days.
Why not share with all your Christian friends, family, congregation members and those who might be interested in getting involved and pray together this #ThyKingdomCome.


Get the app

If you prefer paper then a prayer journal can be downloaded too.

Finally for smaller ones the Cheeky Pandas make a return