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Welcome to the Vine Community Church.

We're a vibrant and relevant church with a passion for you to find hope, and know Jesus.

We are a friendly church so whatever your age, background or previous experience of church, if any at all, we invite you to come along.  Join us at our Sunday Services or other  activities and receive a great welcome.

We would love to welcome you as friend, a visitor or part of our family..


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The Vine at a Glance

  • Join us in person or online for our Sunday Service. 

    We would love to welcome you this Sunday at 11:00am.  



    The best way to keep up-to-date with changes is by subscribing to our Newsletter or join us on social media.

     Catch up on previous services on our Watch Again page or watch on our Youtube Channel  

  • We would love to welcome you in-person this Sunday at 11:00am.

    The style of worship at the Vine is contemporary and informal.  The range of music is wide and varied from lively and loud praise to quieter worship songs. Worship is led by members of the worship team and often comprises of drums, keyboard, guitar or Ukele.  Everyone is encouraged to take part no matter how off key you might think your voice is.

    At the Vine, we try to use language that is appropriate to the situation. So if someone is reading an account from the past it may have thee' and thou's in it but for the most, we use contemporary language and we read from a number of Bible translations including the Christian Standard Bilbe (CSB), the New International Version (NIV), the Message, 
    The New Living Translation (NLT), and even the KJV.

    On most weeks we have Shiners our Sunday Morning Childrens work, find out more about our what to expect at our Sunday Morning Meetings

    The best way to keep up-to-date with changes is by subscribing to our Newsletter or join us on social media.

     Catch up on previous services on our Watch Again page or watch on our Youtube Channel  

  • We are now providing:

    • In person Sunday Services that are also available online.
      • Shiners our childrens work runs during the service
    • Online Sunday Night Prayer via Zoom
    • In Person and Online Midweek connection groups via Zoom
    • Assist One-to-one Support
    • Post Office Outreach
    • Library Service
    • TST Kids club for primary age children- also see our  Facebook page 
    • The Gathering Place - Wellbing group
    • Assist Dementia group.


    Some events and groups will have adaptions to accomodate Covid-19 guidance


    Can we Assist you?

    Who we are:

    Assist is a set up to facilitate support to those who have no one else to help them during times of difficulty or crisis.  Have you ever felt you needed someone to speak to but didn't want to bother anyone? Do you feel isolated or lonely and you want someone to talk to? Perhaps you don't know where to turn for advice or help.  

    Maybe you are bereaved, recovering from illness or struggling with debts or living with Dementia.  Whatever the issue we are here to help and if we can't help we will find someone who can.


    Contact Assist on 01522 370164 and
    If it is a life-threatening emergency please call 999. If you are having a mental health crisis click here


    We have a range of volunteering options with the library and Assist, contact us to find out more

Vine Life

Be inspired by a Mars Bar*

mars600As this article is published we will be a few days from a general election.  While I am going to steer clear of any partisan comment something that cannot escape anyone is the frenetic activity that goes into an election campaign, a level of effort that must leave those involved ready for a holiday.  In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's all too easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of doing things. We're perpetually juggling responsibilities, deadlines, and the constant buzz of notifications. Amidst this relentless pace, it's crucial to remember that we are designed for more than just work. We are meant to experience a balance of work, rest, and play—a rhythm that aligns not only with our physical and mental needs but also with timeless wisdom that has echoed through the ages.

Consider the creation story from the Bible: after six days of creating the heavens and the earth, God rested on the seventh day. This day of rest, known as the Sabbath, wasn’t just a divine afterthought. It was an integral part of the creation narrative, emphasising the importance of rest. 

In our, fast-paced world, the principle of "work, rest, and play" is as relevant as ever. It’s easy to fall into the trap of constant productivity, but this can lead to burnout, stress, and a significant decline in overall well-being. The Mars Bar slogan encapsulates this balance perfectly, reminding us that life is not solely about working hard but also about taking time to rest and enjoy the simple pleasures.   Rest is not a sign of laziness or lack of ambition. It’s a necessary component of a healthy, productive life. When we rest, we give our bodies and minds the opportunity to recover and rejuvenate. This replenishment allows us to return to our work with renewed energy and creativity, ultimately making us more effective in the things we do.  Moreover, taking time for rest and play nurtures our relationships and our spirit. Whether it’s spending time with family, enjoying nature, or pursuing hobbies, these activities enrich our lives and bring us joy. They remind us of the beauty and wonder that exist beyond our to-do lists, professional and family obligations.

Even in the workplace, the importance of rest is increasingly recognized. Companies are starting to understand that well-rested employees are more productive, innovative, and satisfied. Encouraging breaks, vacations, even moving to four day compressed weeks. A healthy work-life balance is not just good for employees; it’s good for business.

So, whether you’re a believer who finds inspiration in the Sabbath or someone who simply understands the value of a well-deserved break, the message is clear: we are not meant to work without end. Embracing a rhythm of work, rest, and play helps us lead fuller, more balanced lives. It’s time to give ourselves permission to rest, to take that break, and to savour the moments of play. After all, life is about more than just work; it’s about living fully and joyfully. 

* Other chocolate bars are available, you may even want to enjoy one while you work, rest or play. 



Three spoons

spoonI've just returned from a few days at a conference nestled in the serene landscapes of Derbyshire. Amidst the modern amenities and expansive grounds of the conference centre lies the historic house, a relic from the 1860s crafted by Fitzherbert Wright, the visionary behind St Pancras Station. Once a symbol of opulence, this house now serves as a window into history, adorned with original plans and curious relics, including three battered spoons that whisper tales of a bygone era.

During the tumult of the Second World War, this tranquil retreat was abruptly transformed into Camp 13, hosting German POWs. This was the site of one of the most daring escapes of the war when five German prisoners, including ace fighter pilot Franz von Werra, successfully tunnelled out of the camp using the spoons to dig, as the POW choir distracted the guards.  Von Werra managed to convince locals he was a downed Dutch pilot and nearly completed his escape. He was in the cockpit of a plane preparing to fly home when he was discovered and re-arrested. The events were later turned into a film, ‘The One That Got Away’ starring Hardy Kruger. 

Along with the spoons there were photographs of some of the prisoners of war both during the war and those that returned after the war to revisit.  In almost all cases the prisoners were smiling.  Accounts from the returning prisoners document, that although they were the enemy, they were treated humanely with dignity and respect. 

These snapshots offer a poignant contrast to the harrowing images we often witness from conflict zones worldwide, where dignity and respect for human life are all too often overshadowed by brutality.  Reminded of our shared humanity, I'm drawn to Shakespeare's timeless words from 'The Merchant of Venice': 'If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die?'. The bible tells me that all humans are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God, that there is a common humanity that should not be discounted.

All of this seems disconnected from Lincolnshire and of little relevance and yet, I visited the Vets, the Doctors, the supermarket, even the Foodbank and all display similar signs that state, ‘we will not tolerate physical or verbal abuse towards our staff’.  I am all for good customer service, I am even known to complain when things go wrong, but I hope I do this with dignity and respect.  In a world where aggression is sometimes mistaken for strength, it's a poignant reminder that true strength lies in our ability to treat one another with dignity and empathy, even amidst disagreement. In the wise words of Peter (the one from the bible), 'Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind. Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing' (1 Peter 3:8-9). So, let's endeavour to navigate our interactions with kindness and understanding, upholding the dignity of others as we nurture a more compassionate world for ourselves and for all humanity.



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