Pastor’s Message - New Year 2015 – INFLUENCE – You have much more than you think.

How much influence do you think you have?  Your answer is likely to be something like “Not very much”.  Ever felt ignored, overlooked, unnoticed or insignificant? We may think it’s famous people
who have the most influence over our lives but that’s not actually true!  It’s those closer to us who have the most effect – our mothers, friends, fathers and neighbours – they have the power to lighten up our lives, or make our lives miserable.

Jesus said that we can be a powerful influence for good in this world by being “salt” and “light”.

Why salt? Because it keeps things from going bad (and also adds flavour!)

And light?  Because only light can overcome darkness.



Did Jesus say how we could become this powerful influence for good?  He said we couldn’t do it on our own, but if we opened ourselves up to him, his light would flow through us to everyone we are connected to.

“.. you are living with evil people all around you, who have lost their sense of what is right. Among those people you shine like lights in a dark world”    Philippians 2:15 (ERV)