not good enough1Television is full of shows like, the X Factor, the voice or Britain’s got talent where people put them self in front of millions of others to prove that they have what it takes, to prove that they are worth something. To show the world that they are good enough.  Some get the approval they are seeking. For others, they don’t receive the acceptance and fame they desire. At best the receive constructive criticism at worst ridicule.

I have to admit I can’t watch some of the early stages of the X-factor as I cringe and genuinely feel sorry for those who sought three minutes of fame but have been exposed to three minutes of shame on the name of entertainment.  I struggle with watching kids hopes and dreams dashed in front of millions.

Our worth cannot be and should not be based on our efforts, abilities, or our achievements. All of which are subject to comparison and all of which will fade away.   I believe that worth is founded in who we are not what we are. Our worth is intrinsic to our being, given as people created by a loving God who cares for each of us, believer or not. 

I recently I discovered another programme, I don’t know if you have seen it, it consists of 100 boxes each with a person in. Someone comes and sings, them if the people in the boxes like it, they stand up and sing along.

There are some really good singers on it and there are some that are not so good. But there is always someone that gets up and sings along.

I didn’t expect to see a model for life on a Saturday night TV show, but there you go.  In life, each of us is called to stand up and use the talents, skills and gifts we have – to sing the song of life we are given.

The rest of us are called to catch hold of that song, stand up with people and sing (or dance along).  Paul writes so much about building each other up and encouraging each other (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

 Not everyone has the X factor and we can’t delude people into thinking they have but we don’t have to destroy them in the process of telling them.  We can be honest but gentle - Ephesians 4:29(NIV) is a good model:

29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 

And we can sing and dance along with the things they are good at.
