manwindowThe bible is full of amazing stories that you would not expect to find.  Many of us will be familiar with the ‘big stories’ that we hear at Easter or Christmas.  We may even remember the stories that have become popular ‘picture story’ book subjects or the theme of children’s songs like the annoyingly catchy song about Noah, the Ark the animals that go in two-by-two.

One of the lesser-known stories is about a young man sitting listening to the Apostle Paul speak. Paul was going on, and on and the young man started to doze off. Unfortunately, for the teenager he was sitting in a third-story window, as he slept, he fell crashing to his death.

The question this story raised was why he fell; it wasn’t simply that he was bored to death. It was his position that led to his demise. The young man had withdrawn from the group, away from his friends to the edges of society.  If he had been inside the room, he would have dozed and survived.   

There are lots of reasons in today’s world that people find themselves either pushed or drawn to the edges of society:

  • debt,
  • mental health issues (1 in 6 adults will have a mental health issue at some point),
  • loneliness and isolation caused by age, bereavement, illness or even moving house to a new area (1 in 5 adults feel lonely or isolated, raising to half of over 75s).  

The church has always provided support for people who need help. That help may be through having a safe space to chat about life, a place to have a sense of belonging and friendship or may be specific practical help.

Many of the large organisations like the Samaritans [ Tel. 116 123 ] have their roots in the church and some organisations are still linked to the church serving those that have a belief or have none. Organisations such as Christians Against Poverty [ 0800 328 0006 ] tackling debt or locally Assist [ 01522 370164 ] providing support for the lonely, isolated and those with mental health issues or those just struggling with life. These organisations (there are many more examples) are staffed by volunteers who want to help those on the edges of society.

The bible story I mentioned has a happy ending but if you want to know what happens you will have to find a bible or Google: Acts 20 v7-6.

If you or someone you know feels on the edge why not reach out to one of the organisations mentioned or contact us.

There is no reason to be alone on the edge.

